Pre-Nuptial and Relationship Agreements

Pre-Nuptial and Relationship Agreements

Before entering into a marriage, often couples wish protect one another’s rights and responsibilities to ensure their future security.

Considered a form of financial agreement, a pre-nuptial agreement can be made in regards to a number of matters. Often the most common purpose of a pre-nuptial agreement is to establish the division of property or financial resources should the relationship breakdown. In addition to this, agreements can also be made in regards to spousal maintenance either during or after the marriage.

As a pre-nuptial agreement must be made in writing, it is often advised that you seek legal assistance in drafting a pre-nuptial or relationship agreement to ensure that the document achieves the purpose you have in mind.

If you require assistance drafting a pre-nuptial or relationship agreement, or are interested in finding out more information, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.